Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Santa Claus

In the past, Julia has been a little afraid of Santa Claus, but not this year. I think she has found out that he could work to her advantage in the gift area. Everytime she saw Santa Claus, she always told him that she wanted "books". That will always put a smile on a mother/teacher's face. We really did have a great Christmas and are very thankful for our many blessings.

The next Picaboo Street!

In the middle of December we all went to Boyne Mountain with Jason's work and Julia got the opportunity to go to skiing school. She loved it and was great at it! Her teacher only had two students, Julia and her friend Garrett. Another bonus of Boyne was the waterpark- Avalanche Bay. That was a lot of fun as well. We really had a great time!

Disney World

Early in December we headed down to Florida to celebrate an early Christmas with Joy's family. The weather was great and it was so much fun to see all of the cousins playing together. One thing that was determined is that among the cousins - we have MANY chiefs- NOT too many Indians. As they get older, it will be fun to see just exactly who is in charge.